Sunday, November 19, 2017

Importance of Leadership

Mike Kutka
Importance of Leadership
            William Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” and Loyola University’s Leadership Summit both exhibit different aspects of leadership. Shakespeare’s work is about aristocrat leadership due to hierarchy in the 17th century while Loyola University’s event is focused around young future leaders who look to make a difference in the 21st century. Although time period differs, both demonstrate a central idea. “Twelfth Night” and Loyola University’s Leadership Summit support the importance of leadership and its essential contribution to society.
            William Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” exhibits leadership through an ancient lens. In the island of Illyria during the earliest part of the 17th century, two “kingdoms” lead the land. One is led by Duke Orsino and the other is led by Lady Olivia. Both live in their respected palaces along with their advisors and servants. Duke Orsino and Lady Olivia both exhibit great power and rule over the land. They are most direct leaders to their advisors and servants. These people look up to their leader as if they were Lords. The evident hierarchy in ancient lands such as Illyria provide support and structure for society.
             On Saturday, November 18th, The Leadership Summit occurred intending to engage student leaders. Provided by Loyola University, it was a great opportunity to improve as a student leader in today’s society. Located on campus, the Summit was developed by Student Life along with other Loyola employees and current student leaders. This event offered dozens of sessions which focused on different aspects and types of leadership along with how to professionally build a résumé and apply for leadership positions. For example, some sessions included; “Expectations for Men in Society,” “Power of Vision,” “How to Succeed in the Business World,” and “Leadership Styles.” The importance of leadership was the central role of the entire event, especially considering the social issues currently unfolding in our country. We reflected on past leaders of the world and how they successfully altered society for the better. Martin Luther King Jr. was a reoccurring name that came up throughout different sessions of the conference. It’s evident through history why MLK made such an impact in the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King Jr. led by example and provided an outlet of hope for the many who were discriminated against during this time period. He was also an expert at keeping his composure and demonstrated strength of patience and will. We broke down the skills of multiple leaders similar to MLK and how we can use their tactics to help current and future societal issues. Collectively, we reflected on the importance of leadership and the prestigious results we have received throughout history due to its existence.

            “Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare and The Leadership Summit prove importance of leadership through different lenses. During the early 17th century, hierarchical leadership was the basis of society. This structure allowed for lands such as Illyria to succeed and maintain structure. The Leadership Summit reflected on modern times of needed leadership, and the success of previous leaders throughout history. Learning from great leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. can result in continuous alteration and improvement of today’s society. Collectively, both prove why leadership is a societal necessity and the enormous power of change which can be derived.

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