Monday, October 2, 2017

Blog Post #3

I chose to do my iExamen on Thursday the 28th, I chose this day because it has a nice balance of school and time off where I could unplug for an hour. On Thursdays, I wake up to my alarm that my roommate tells me is so soft she doesn't understand how I can hear it. Her alarm, on the other hand, is at full volume and sounds like a fire alarm is going off. I noticed and thought about how you choose to wake up in the morning says a lot about how you want your day to go. I enjoy my alarm not too loud and I will snooze my alarm for a little. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the timing of my class makes it so I normally do not have those twenty minutes to lay in bed going through all my social media, checking my emails, and texting family and friends back.
I walk to my 9:25 class with two of my roommates who have classes at 9:25 a well. Communications on those walks are quiet and there is normally not much to be said besides who is getting Starbucks. My theology class is not a class I feel extremely confident in. I did not go to a religious high school and many of the kids in my class did. I noticed this fact about feeling as though I am less knowledgeable has forced me to sit in the back row which is something I seldom do. The time between my first and second class is too short for me to go home so I find a spot in the Starbucks area to workout on homework or simply watch tv. This is normally my time on Thursdays to check my social media, call my mom or dad in private versus when I am in my apartment with my five other roommates. I always choose to sit somewhere far away from other people, I have noticed I get self-conscious when I think other people can see my screen and what I am doing on it. This may send off the energy that I would not like to be disturbed or that I am an unhappy person.
One of the larger observations I made about examining how I communicate with others is when I choose to leave for class. I can’t stand the times during the day when everyone is being let of class and some people are rushing to other classes while others are slowly deciding if they will go back home or possibly get lunch. For my 12:15 class I most likely show up oddly early I sit outside that classroom for more than fifteen minutes.
After class, I was done with class for the day and decided to do my hour of unplugging from all electronics. I did some homework and realized how even though the work I was doing did not involve my computer but I would have had my computer out nonetheless. I talked with my friends and spent time organizing my draw and trying to keep busy. It was harder than I expected it to be. After the hour was over I did rush back to my phone I can’t lie but I did think about I lay on my bed just looking at my phone and through my apps and texts not really communicating but just looking.
I really did enjoy the entire process of really examining my day and how I choose to communicate with myself and the people around me.

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