Sunday, October 1, 2017

iExamen 1

Jonathan Ocampo
iExamen #1

An Hour Without My Phone

Technology continually shapes and molds the lives of many people in our generation. While I stroll to class every weekday I can’t help but to notice that nine out of the ten students I see are absorbed in their phones. When my professor asked me to put my phone down for an hour, I thought that I would just sit around on my couch and watch football while my phone charged. I then thought about my mom telling me “Jon get your nose out of your phone” or saying that I have an addiction, and suddenly took the task more seriously. When I was contemplating what I would do during the painful hour, I looked out my window to a beautiful clear sky and instantly new what I was going to do. When the hour came, I put my phone in my desk drawer, set a timer, and exited Newman to take a walk.
On my technology free walk, I decided to stop by Smoothie King to grab a refreshing Angel Food smoothie with my roommates. On the walk, we were conversing about our weekends and how much homework we all had to finish before Monday. As we were approaching the Smoothie King we all ordered the same exact smoothie and walked back to our apartment at Newman Towers. I knew very well that my hour had not been up yet, so I took that time to sit outside by myself and think. I found a nice picnic table by the volleyball courts and watched the sunset. At that moment, I knew what I had learned from the exercise, and the lesson I would take away from technology overflowing my daily life.
Although technology floods our education, social lives, and time I learned that it is relaxing taking a step back from my relationship with my phone. I continuously found myself looking at my phone too much, and putting it down for an hour made me communicate with my friends better and appreciate the beauty nature provides to the naked eye. After attempting this exercise, it has taught me there are more important items other than my phone, and that living life to the fullest is more rewarding than checking my Twitter and Instagram feeds.

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