Monday, October 23, 2017

Lucy Fanto

Understanding Lit 

The Secret of Life

In the first half of the novel, Frankenstein, the main character comes in contact with a man named Victor Frankenstein. Victor, a determined scientist has been working to find the secret of life and felt as if he found it after creating Frankenstein. This theme of the "secret of life" seems to be a trend that was shared between all of the readings today. In the poem, "Tableau" the conflict of race is addressed, along with the idea of how it affects the lives everyone around. The next poem, "Theology", also addresses the theme of the secret of life by discussing the after life and what happens to each individual due to how they act on earth. These three readings relate to one another because of this trend and all present the reader with the deep meaning.

In just the first half of the novel, it is apparent that the Victor is looking for more out of life. He worked to create and invent a new being and unfortunately, his mission went terribly wrong. He thought that by creating this new being, he would discover the secret of life, but was also mistaken. In "Tableau" there is also talk of this secret of life. It is apparent of the values that are present in this poem. Although there is much controversy on the topic of race, which is described in the poem by the peoples' faces and looks that they give to the children. To me, this poem describes the secret of life because although the surrounding community doesn't approve of the two young boys walking together, they continue to do so. They are unconcerned with the opinions of others and do not let that ruin their life or destroy their values. 

Finally, the theme of the secret of life is very apparent in the piece "Theology". No matter what your religion or beliefs, everyone believes in some version of an after life. Every individual works to better themselves and enter into their desired version of an after life. The poem also references a not so positive version of an after life, a hell for the speaker's neighbors. To me, this showed that theres no secret of life to enter in to one of these places once you die. Every individual simply must work to be the best person they can be and that will help them receive the reward they deserve. 

When working with little kids, their opportunities for their future are numerous. They are unaware of what they will face in their future or who they will become. The students I will meet at Tunbridge were the first thing that popped in my head when I thought of the theme "Secret of Life". There's no method or secret to life, and no way to get through life without obstacles. My goal through this service opportunity, is to teach the children that their may be no secret or method to get through life and avoid obstacles, but there is a way to be a good, genuine person who upholds their own values and makes the people around them better. 

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