Sunday, October 29, 2017

iExamen 2

iExamen 2

I completely forgot about this assignment until Thursday evening when I made a reminder on my phone that Friday would be my day to participate in the iExamen 2. On Fridays, I do not have any classes which I quickly figured out was going to be a problem since I had nowhere to be so I could stay in bed all day and report back that this assignment was easy and I was nice and kind all day.
I forced myself out of bed to my disdain and walked to Starbucks with the hope of doing some of my work and interacting with my fellow peers. This did not turn out as planned I was half asleep on my walk to Starbucks and I am sure many people thought I was being rude by not saying hi or smiling back but I honestly did not have the energy. After getting some food and a coffee I felt more confident to take on the challenge. The school day was almost over for some of my roommates so they joined me in doing some homework and talking about the night before. We chatted aimlessly about this and that but I had to watch myself and make sure I did become negative or mean about anyone or anything. I like to think of myself as a nice person, not a huge gossip of course I have my moments just like everyone does but for the most part I try to be kind and treat others the way they would want to be treated.
While continuing on with my day my friends and I talked about our possible Halloween costumes. It was challenging to not join in on the banter of possible costume ideas and showing what past people had done and making jokes at them. This exercise did make me sad to think about the fact that people say this kind of stuff all the time without even noticing it. We think we are just being funny but in reality half of things we say I am sure we wouldn’t say to the people if they were in the room.

I found myself having trouble contributing to a conversation at some point and at others my “kind, useful, and true,” comments were looked at as odd. This day was actually kind of hard in a lot of way and made me take a step back say to myself are all the comments you make about other people really necessary? At the end of the day I told my friends about the “experiment” I did and told them my honest opinions of us and how some of the things we say are really hurtful and that I should not be the only one to take something out of this assignment.

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