Sunday, October 1, 2017

iExamen #1

This past Saturday, I analyzed the way I communicate with others, and went one full hour without the use of technology. I chose a day where I knew I would be active with my friends, rather than a day where I would keep to myself more. Saturday morning, I woke up to the sound of my alarm, which is never a pleasing way to wake up. After hopping in the shower, I peeked into one of the other rooms in the apartment to see if my friends were awake yet and said hello, asked what they were going to wear to brunch, and expressed how exhausted I still was. The expression of this exhaustion crossed my face as I spoke of my lack of sleep over the past few days. On the way to Brunch at Mount Washington Tavern, it was clear that no one was one hundred percent awake yet through the silence that overtook the car. Once seated we all promptly ordered coffee and mimosas to get our day started. After a few cups of coffee and food were in us we immediately started to brighten up. The car ride home was entirely different from the ride to the brunch. It was filled with music, laughter, singing, and talking about plans for the rest of the day. Once home, we quickly changed out of our nice brunch outfits and into our pajamas again for the exhaustion was back, and a nap was needed. Multiple hours later, we all woke in much better moods than before. Everyone began snacking on dinner options, and getting ready for the night to come. It was now, that I chose to perform my one hour of no electronics. I closed my computer, turned off my phone, and focused on getting ready with my friends. Once dressed, we all went downstairs. It was then that I found myself wanting to turn my phone back on. I looked around and as we all sat there together and noticed how all three of my roommates, and the other people that began to show up were on their phones. At that moment, I looked at all my roommates and jokingly said, “Be here”. Stunned by the truth to this statement everyone put their phones down and we began to have a face to face conversation with one another. As the hour without technology came to an end, I found myself storing my phone away into my purse rather than checking all the notifications I had from that hour. Rather than focusing on those who were communicating with me through technology, I focused on those who were with me. Doing this helped me have more conversations, meet more people, and connect with people I had not spoken to since last semester. Overall, this experience was very pleasing for me to take part in. Our society has learned to rely on technology for so much in our lives. Taking this hour away from it reminded me of this, and made me realize that not everything can be captured in the small rectangular devise we all hold in our hands.

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